Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Owe It All To Tom Smothers

If you haven't noticed my Facebook page, I like to post a lot of edgy stuff on my wall. I write some things on my wall-- mainly for the sake of entertainment, predominantly humor. I like to do this because I think I'm a funny guy; some might not think that way-- but I know I'm funny looking, so that's a start. I also would put links on my wall-- kinda like the Brendan version of The Daily Show's "Moment Of Zen"; which I call "your thought for the night", before I sign off. Some find these pictures hysterical and some might find it offensive. I try to make EVERYONE happy-- but we don't live in a perfect world, do we?
I do other things on Facebook like my "polls". I generally would put two or three related things, could be food, movies, TV shows, or just plain "things", and that's a big hit. I have people on my Facebook page, including people who I haven't spoken to in years, long lost relatives, and even people I hardly know and get into it. I get some incredible responses and I love the energy I get from doing all this. I just broke the 300 barrier in my Facebook friends which is more than half from last year at 125 friends.
I realize that it's the stuff I do that reels people in, and I am very grateful that I have good people who are there when I log into Facebook and other interwebs. I am praying for that moment that I get a video recorder and do the You Tube thing (so you can see how funny I REALLY look). For now, I am still gaining a group of people on Facebook and I am still learning on what the people want.

The reason why I am writing this, or as my mother says "rambling on", is because I just watched an old doc about The Smother Brothers Comedy Hour. The program was centered on Tom Smothers and the writing team that build their success on controversy. Even though the 2010's are a far cry from the late 1960's, the same things remain-- war, politics, the economy, and general distrust over the "establishment". The rift between the public and the "suits" in control have always been there-- whether it was in 1968 or even now as we approach 2012.

The censors was the biggest enemy of the production for the Smothers Brothers. Even though censorship is not as a big deal as it was over 40 years ago, we tend to censor ourselves. When I put stuff on Facebook, I would ask myself "what would my Conservative friends think?", "how would the thumpers react if I post this or write that?". I am sure that many others feel the same way about what they do on the Internet. In my case, I live in North Carolina where things tend to be a little red state-ish around here. It's pretty much what Tom Smothers went through when him and his brother Dick worked for CBS in the 1960's. Although I have a little more elbow room in NC, there was no leeway in Tom Smothers' situation with CBS. Sketches were pulled off the air, musical guests were heavily edited, and Tom Smothers who was the overall producer of the show was always at blows with the top brass at CBS. "Having blows with the top brass", that sounds pretty familiar to most of us, doesn't it?
In this age of the Occupy Wall Street Protester, or even the "Occupy Anything Protester"; the establishment is something that we like to defy. It's pretty much no different from the hippies of the 1960's and the bad taste that remained in the mouths of those that had been prodded and teased by the Establishment.
Although we have a lot more in freedom of speech and we're so technically advanced nowadays, we are still angry. We're still on the outside looking in. We never got invited to the party, but instead of crashing we made our own. Vietnam is long gone, but it has been replaced by Iraq and Afganistan. The days of  LBJ and Nixon are gone as well, but the political chaos today is still ripe for picking. Like Tom Smothers before me, all these political things that surround us can be dealt with some good natured ribbing and a few laughs. Even though some guy's Facebook page has nothing to do with a 1960's comedy/variety show, the basis of entertainment remains.

In my time posting weird crap and writing my "rambling" blogs on the interwebs, I discovered an audience and I thank you for being that audience. If I make your day by asking you what your favorite movie is or posting a picture of a Santa dangling out of a reindeer's butt-- THANK YOU!  If people
don't like my stuff they can go to someone else that can entertain-- there's something for everone but one can never be something to everybody!